"Byakko is a deeply spiritual lady with great compassion and wisdom."
"She is so knowledgeable, while warm and down to earth. "

Byakko is a modern-day mystic, zen yogi, spiritual activist, animal advocate, and telepathic communicator, who has taught meditation and yoga to thousands of children throughout Los Angeles for over twenty years and to grown-ups for ten.
She first began a Hatha Yoga practice in the 80s when arriving in LA, and found freedom and flow in her practice, absent from her former rigid ballet training in CT. During this time she met Ryugen Watanabe Osho-san, a Zen Master, and her root teacher, living in Los Angeles. She trained under him and took Jukai (lay ordination) at the Kanzeonji Zen Buddhist Temple and Shiva in Los Angeles in 1992.
"The Zen training of Zazen, mindfulness, intentional lifestyle and diet were the best years of my life".
Byakko has since lived her life in the practice of Ahimsa, a Buddhist doctrine of refraining from harming any living being, and has adhered to a vegan diet and lifestyle out of compassion for animals. Training in Vipassana and Tibetan Buddhist Meditation, Byakko studied with several teachers including Ken McLoud, Noah Levine, and Gen Lekma Kelsang.
Stumbling across Kundalini Yoga, her first class with Gurmukh, it was unlike anything she had ever experienced before.
"I thought it was interesting, but didn't consider it Yoga. I called it "spiritual aerobics", and yet something pulled me back to class a few more times. I began to feel elated, happy, and joyful. I had more stamina and there was this energy flow inside. It was amazing!"
Yogi Bhajan had once said, "If you want to know something, read it. If you want to understand something, teach it." And so in 2010, Byakko received Level 1 Certification as a Kundalini Yoga instructor through the Kundalini Research Institute (KRI), training at Golden Bridge Yoga in Hollywood with Master teachers Gurmukh, Gurushabd, Teg, Harijiwan, and Sat Siri.
In 2020, Byakko took Nyudo Tokudo (Zen monk/assistant priest ordination) from Jyozen Anjyu, her present teacher. Byakko helps animals and their people internationally. She is a remote viewer, dowser, and healer. Authoring two books, several ebooks, and the Spirit Wisdom Animal Oracle deck, Byakko aspires to uplift others through her writing, telepathic work with animals, and her yoga practice.
She lives with three Zen Masters, her felines, who guide and keep her on track. Byakko is grateful for the animals in her life, for her yoga and meditation practice, all of which have opened her heart and changed her life in profound ways.
Byakko hopes to now share the teachings and blessings of Kundalini Yoga with all of you and to share the Wisdom of the Spirit Animals in every class.
Sat Nam
Meet Byakko

"I didn't think the Meditation for Healing Addictions would benefit me. I don't have any addictions. But during the week, I felt a deep sense of Renunciation (detachment from desire). I didn't feel like engaging in idle conversation and while grocery shopping, I found I didn't really want anything. I was so content to just be. This short meditation had a powerful effect that stayed with me the entire week. I love Byakko's classes!"
"I didn't think the Meditation for Healing Addictions would benefit me. I don't have any addictions. But during the week, I felt a deep sense of Renunciation (detachment from desire). I didn't feel like engaging in idle conversation and while grocery shopping, I found I didn't really want anything. I was so content to just be. This short meditation had a powerful effect that stayed with me the entire week. I love Byakko's classes!"